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Welcome to the Prayer Hub Organisation listings page.

We aim to help you find prayer groups, ministries, organisations and missions wherever you are located around the world. Type in the name of the organisation in the search box below and press enter OR search for any organisations near your location.

If you would like to add your organisation to our listings, click here.

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The world is changing.

Evidence of globalisation is all around us.

While to many the world seems out of control, God is fully in command of all that is happening, and is consistently and surely working out His purposes. And He is calling His Church to take up its global mandate with renewed vision and purpose.

The World Prayer Centre is part of the new thing that God is doing around the world. As the Church begins to strategise and think globally, so we must pray globally. A united and consistent flow of strategic prayer is needed now:

  • to open the way for us to reach the remaining peoples of the world who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus
  • to equip the church to reach out with love and grace to a hurting society
  • to enable us to meet, with the authority of Christ, the challenges and opportunities of national and international power structures
  • to strengthen the Church to meet its end-time calling

The Centre, as seen in a vision by Project Director Ian Cole, is yet to be built, but even now there is a growing tide of prayer across the world which the World Prayer Centre will join in facilitating in due course.

World Prayer Centre,
Cornerstone House,
5 Ethel Street,
Birmingham B2 4BG,

Phone: +44 (0) 121 633 7393

How to find us

Click for Google Map

Click for printable city centre map and motorway map.

Send a Message

Please include your name, email address, postal address and phone number in the box below and any other helpful information (such as your church) which might help us notify you about local events.

The World Prayer Centre (Birmingham, UK) is part of the Prayer Hub project. If you would like to contact the administrators of the other nodes / continents, please click the relevant region below:

Europe Africa Middle East East Asia N America L America Australasia

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